Reon is a pretty girlfriend of a man and has a job. All is well. Except until it is not. Her boyfriend dumps her and moves on. Her boss fires her and moves on. It is cruel and unjust world. Reo is a chief executive officer and gets girls. Reon and Reo literally run into each other. One becomes the other. They have to put up with their new bodies, personas and handle the interactions. It does not help that they have no love for their new existences.知英 、大政绚主演,改编自同名超人气漫画的《Leon》,围绕各种出人意料的展开引爆笑料,同时又带来纯真的恋情,是一部让人心动的喜剧作品。
土气的派遣小白领小鸟游玲音被男朋友甩又被公司解雇,和喜好女色的独裁社长朝比奈玲男,偶然卷入同一起交通事故,睁开眼之后,两人竟然互换了身体!这出爆笑的故事由此开始。来看吧影院为您提供2018年由知英 大政绚 吉泽亮 齐藤慎二 原干惠 河井青叶 山崎育三郎 竹中直人 主演,塚本连平 导演的《莱昂》/原名《レオン》/又名《甜心大叔(台) / Leon / Reon》电影在线观看,《莱昂》百度云网盘资源以及《莱昂》高清mp4迅雷下载,《莱昂》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!